WhiteHaus WHFLCON3318-BI Farmhaus Fireclay 33" x 18" Reversible Double Sink with Concave Apron - Biscuit (Pictured in White)
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Model: WHFLCON3318B
UPC: 848130007960
WHFLCON3318B WhiteHaus Farmhaus Fireclay 33" x 18" Reversible Double Sink with Concave Apron - Biscuit (Pictured in White)
• 33" x 18" Reversible Fireclay Double Sink
• Side A - Concave, Side B - Fluted
• 3 1/2" Center Drain
• Inside Dimensions: 15" x 16" x 8 1/2"
• Overall Dimensions: 33" x 18" x 10"